Monday, March 4, 2013


     The year 2013 has started off well how can I say it but not good. I have been a little out of sorts for a bit. I Broke my right wrist on February 10. I was playing with my grandsons at the park. Mark was there helping with kid patrol. But unfortunately he was watching the boy's and not me. I decided to go down the twisted slide (big mistake). Don't know exactly what happened but I went down fast, and didn't have time to put my feet down to catch myself. Fell off the end and had my right hand connect first with the ground. I heard it pop but was hoping only a sprain.
     We decided to go eat then took the boy's home. By then it had swollen very badly and was hurting. Mark took me to All Choice emergency room in Ft. Worth. Just as I feared it was broken. Dr. put a splint on and gave me a prescription for pain medicine. He said to follow up with a specialist in the morning.
     I called Dr. Tobias, he took care of my left arm break back in July 2009. Scheduled appointment and went in Monday. He put me in a cast, said I would be out of commission for about 6 weeks. Not what I wanted to hear. Of course I am right handed so it is difficult to write or type. It will be a month in a few days so I hope it will be good news on my next visit to Dr. Tobias.
     But back to 2012, a lot of good things happened this last year. My book is progressing very well. I have someone from work who is doing the editing and she has been great. I have managed to complete book one and I am on chapter 9 on the second book.
     The book title is Mice of the Mausoleum. The 2nd book is Mystery in the Mausoleum. I am so excited to finally be making progress on getting them done. I will be searching for a publisher next. The books have been so much fun writing. This is something I have always wanted to do. The books are targeting age groups between 7 and 12 years old. My grandsons are ages 6 and 9 so they have enjoyed me reading the book to them.
     Another reason 2012 was great I reconnected with a very special person. We started talking last June and haven't stopped. We had been out of touch for 7 long years. It has been wonderful getting to know him again and seeing how well we connect. The relationship is going great. What made me search for him was in January 2012 it had been 20 years since I had first met him. A lot has happened over those 20 years but he has always been in my heart. I am very glad to have found him again, it is like we never were apart those 7 years.
     I will try to get back to my writing on a regular basis. I plan on adding a chapter from my book to See how it reads to others. I just have to get my self back in the habit of writing in my blog. I need to end this for now. Hope to talk to you again soon. Kimyjo

1 comment:

  1. Yayyy!

    Good to see you back!

    If you did all this typing in a cast, I'm totally impressed! You did good!

