Monday, October 24, 2011

Don't Kick the Bear!

 I guess when you are married for as long as my friend Shay and her hubby have been married, there comes a time to just chill out. This is the premise of this story. Learning to chill out is a labor of love. It is a true act of courage and patience, especially when the Bear is a pain in the rump.

Shay must have the patience of Job.She has neither left the crazy man, nor killed him. Much to my surprise! She has an immense amount of patience.Hey, she puts up with me as her friend!In the very least, the Bear has a way of getting under her skin, but, she has finally figured out a way to handle him.

Anytime she puts something she’s prepared for later in the refrigerator, she makes a big deal out of putting a curse on anyone who overindulges in it, leaving nothing for her.The curse of the cook is total theatrics of course.But, he doesn’t know that.And, it seems to be the only way to ensure there will be any left for her when she’s ready to eat it.

Once he called her bluff and ate an entire Key Lime pie.Yes!The whole pie! He paid the price with the onset of a stomach ache, which of course, he perceived to be the result of the cook’s curse.Now all she has to do is advise him of the eminent danger and possibilities of peril should he activate the curse.The threat works.He’s far more inclined to share the food these days. She is a genius!

On occasion, he does manage to test and press her patience and in those moments, she’s inclined to kick the Bear.However, she’s blessed with a wonderful son who reminds her of the consequences of the occasional bear-kicking.He’ll remark, “Mom, don’t kick the bear today.This will pass and there’ll be another opportunity to kick him later on.”He’s obviously a son who prefers to keep the peace, which has proven to be a blessing.She heeds his good advice, counts to 100 and then finds something else to do.She’s not lacking in other things to do because the list is already huge, ever growing, and she has many different things needing done to choose from.

Shay and I are business partners. Our attempt is to make money doing things we love to do; such as crocheting, looming, sewing, designing home decor and more. Our new site is Gifts we make 4 U.Come visit us at would love to hear from you.

It started at work.While we were making gifts for family we began to draw interest from colleagues.Before you know it we were taking orders regularly.Completing the orders makes the time during our shifts go by very fast, especially since we work at night when the work we do is much less busy.

We generally have a very quick turn around time except for large projects.But, even with the larger ones, we manage to complete and present the final product without much delay.Most orders take us about one week or less to complete.We have baby blanket gift sets, adult size throws, knitted hats, baby booties and a lot more!

I look at it as a new adventure. I find working on the orders to be very calming, so that’s an added bonus for me!

I married at a very young age, 18.I have raised three boys and one husband.When my first marriage ended, I was crazy enough to say, “I do” again.But, the last marriage bit the dust as well, so now I’m done!

I have served my time as an indentured servant, and now I’m on my own.I love it!I am learning to be my own best friend, and to be responsible for my own happiness.My two grandsons, P.J. and Devan, are my heart now.I love them sooo much! But, that doesn’t mean I love my sons any less.I’m just glad they’re grown and on their own.

Don't get me wrong.Marriage is a wonderful thing for the right people. At this time in my life I finally happy with the way things are for me.It has been a long time coming and I think I deserve it. I am a work in progress and I am loving the journey!

See you later on,


1 comment:

  1. Ooooo, touch you, Kimi-jo!

    Very proud of you for putting some elbow grease into your weblog! And, I think your business with Shay is gonna do great!

    After you get things squared away, let the story telling begin! You've got a really wonderful story to share about where you came from, where you've arrived and what you went through to come so far!

    I'm already excited about it and you haven't written the first graph yet, lol!
